
The purpose of this public statement is to refute the baseless claims that were being made by an MP about the electricity bill of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, as covered in the press.

Our company’s electricity contract with the Turkish Grand National Assembly was for the period January 2020 - December 2021, meaning that Cengiz Elektrik did not supply electricity, nor issue any bill, to the National Assembly in any month in 2022.

The contract for supplying electricity to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (GNAT) was tendered out on open tender basis. Being awarded the contract, Cengiz Elektrik supplied electricity to the GNAT at rates 12.1% cheaper in 2020 and 22.8% cheaper in 2021 than the rates declared by EMRA, thus saving the GNAT a total of 8.4 million Turkish Liras in two years. As explained above, the electricity bills issued to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in 2022 bear no relation to our company.

Respectfully submitted to the public.

Cengiz Elektrik